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What is Icelert?

Icelert is a unique weather management system designed to help transportation networks keep moving regardless of weather conditions. By strategically placing Weather Stations around a transportation network, Engineers and Operators can remotely monitor changes in weather patterns as well as extreme weather events. This information allows for preventative action to be taken in order to minimise disruption to travel, reduce treatment costs and most importantly improve transportation safety.

With a full range of Weather Stations and advanced weather sensors available all designed and operated by Findlay Irvine Ltd, Icelert has been helping Decision Makers keep their networks safe and moving since 1968.

The intuitive Icelert Weather Information System allows for data to be viewed, managed and stored in a simple concise manner making it simple for Network Operators to manage their weather data.

All Findlay Irvine technologies are fully supported by our team of Engineers and Developers offering a 24 hour, 7 day a week helpline. Whether that be from Pre & Mid Winter Calibrations, Full Annual Maintenance Contracts or Icelert.net changes.

Our friendly team are always on hand to help solve any issue or query quickly and efficiently. For new enquires or more information about our Icelert Systems and Hardware please contact us.